1 thought on “What gem is Fanta Stone”

  1. Fanta stone is essentially manganese -aluminum g utern to reach the quality of gemstones.
    It from the perspective of color, Fanta Stone is orange garnet without brown tone. And its color definition is limited by its internal iron content: when the iron content is high, Fenta shows orange -red and brown -red tone; when the iron content is low, Fenta is cash orange, and and and and and while, the fenta is cash orange, and the fenta is cash orange, and the fenta is cash orange, and the fenta is cash orange, and the fenta is cash. There are more cash orange garnet. This golden orange color is very similar to the color of Fenda drinks, so it is named "Fanta Stone".
    is the same as many lotus treasures, Fanta Stone is also from Africa. In 1991, in the Kunene River Basin, which borded to Angola in northwestern Namibia, some people found that when the sunset was put away from the last ray of light from this original land, there were still some glittering orange -red crystals. Because they have unique fiery orange, they were originally called "Dutch Stone". It was later identified that this is actually a kind of garnet that people have never seen. Its brilliant and gorgeous redefine the concept of jewelry -grade manganese -aluminum gadies.

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