1 thought on “What does flash marriage mean”

  1. The word flash marriage is a new word derived from recent years. This form of flash marriage is particularly sought after by young men and women. The following is what the flash marriage I collected and organized, I hope it will be helpful to you!
    What does flash marriage mean 1. Basic interpretation of flash marriage
    , as the name suggests, flash marriage refers to a fast marriage like lightning, refers to the lovers who only take a short time to get married Flash marriage is the abbreviation of lightning wedding. It is quite short from recognizing the marriage time. Some people only know about one day of marriage for about 3 months. Most of them occur on young men and women.
    . The origin of the word flash marriage
    has appeared in the society in the society in recent years. Members are mainly young people aged 20-30. For these "flash marriage people", with the fastest speed to complete the long process from love, love to marriage, according to the media description, "they can fall in love with a person in a few seconds, and you can finish one in a few minutes. In love, you can decide on life in a few hours, and you can set foot on the red carpet for a week. "This kind of urban emotional fast food has quietly appeared in many cities in my country, and there is currently a trend of generalization in China.
    . The connection between flash marriage and love
    The concept of "flash marriage" comes from new terms such as "flash guest" and "flash memory", which means "quickly get married." Marriage events should have been more thin and long. After all, they have to live together. I only went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to lock each other with a moment of feeling alone. However, in this era of "fast food love", even married The procedures for divorce have been changed to a more convenient way. The appearance of "flash marriage" can be said to be a product of the development of the times. "If you feel that you are right, you will get married immediately, so that you will at least take this relationship of each other seriously, otherwise you will not talk about responsibility. If you talk about it at will, the marriage will no longer be pure." The flash marriageman said.
    What does flash marriage mean? 2 The concept of flash wedding
    flash, literal understanding should be fast, short -lived, avoid, dodge, flash. Flash marriage should be understood as a combination marriage that is not too long. Some people say that the phenomenon of flash marriage is a common phenomenon of post -80s. It reflects the concept of lifestyle pursuing a generation. It is a shortcut to bringing themselves happiness, or a means of rapid gathering of material economy. In the form, young people's open -minded ideological lifestyle, further development tends to a social universality, is the update of modern marriage concepts that these people are boldly tried.
    How time to count the flash marriage
    This marriage is the abbreviation of lightning marriage. From recognition that the wedding time is quite short, some of them only know about one day of marriage. It is a flash marriage. In fact, how long is the flash marriage, this answer is uncertain, because everyone's understanding of flash marriage is different. Some people think that it is one day, and some people think it is one month, half a year, or a year.
    The people who do n’t know the other party are all married. It ’s not about the length of time to know. For example, I have known each other for a few years, but I have n’t contacted it in the middle of the way.
    The characteristics of flash marriage
    The marriage maintenance time is short, but it can improve the passionate life, create and meet the pleasure of sexual needs, do not waste a good time of youth, try a variety of ambiguous experience. With the advancement of society, this way of marriage needs to explore its sociality and times. This challenging marriage must be tried. Personal views do not advocate this way of marriage marriage, because this phenomenon violates the traditional civilization continuation.
    The factors that cause flash marriage
    The first is the convenience of marriage (departure) marriage registration, the simplification of procedures, which largely protects the privacy and autonomy of these people, this is for this to this, this is for this to this, this is for this to this. This is for this. This is for this. Some flash marriagers provide great convenient conditions. This is a factor that causes the unstable marriage relationship to this flash marriage person. It is one of the reasons for the increase in divorce rates in recent years.
    The society today is a rapidly developing competitive society. The sensuality is stronger than the rational period. People are active in the era of jumping development. There are many people who use their marriage to knock on the door of material wealth door. The fulcrum is material wealth and enjoyment. Once you lose material wealth or cannot be satisfied with your desire, look for a richer rich and glory to enjoy your life. The name of the name of seeking its own happiness is the legitimate power prescribed by the law.
    What does flash marriage mean 3 flash wedding, it seems that it is very trendy. This phenomenon has actually existed since the birth of humans. In the primitive society, living in animal -like life, and what love, you can "flash" in desire. The speed is how much times faster than you do now. With the development of society, they have entered a slave society, and people have become more advanced, and they can be slavered directly. You are mine, mine is mine, do you need "flash"? When you talk about marriage, you do n’t have to blink when you start, and your eyes do n’t need to blink. At this time, it ’s“ flashing ”, which is really a waste of time. Entering the feudal society, human beings have begun to civilized, and you can buy money, but after all, you still pay. Equal trading is fair, but the fate is different. This is life! You bought it, I spent money, what do you want, when you see the official, I am not afraid. The contract is here. Is it not in vain? In contemporary society, we are all liberated, everyone is equal, and women are more status. They are used to something called "love".
    What is love, or what is love? Love, as the name suggests, is that you fall in love with me, I am in love with you, and more popular is that you think of me, I think of you, deeper that I have you in my heart, you have me in your heart, our heart is stamp; love is emotional, it is emotional, it is emotion The sublimation not only has the other person in the heart, but also the most simple way. The simplest way of expression is that the body is directly combined into one, and the body is close to each other. Advanced, thoughtful, like two parallel spirals, always maintain parallel extension, penetrate each other, admire each other, take care of each other, affect each other, complement each other, the minds are connected, the influence is profound, so love becomes eternal! Love is very beautiful, but there is no direct relationship with marriage, and there is no necessarily relationship. When you are in love, you will be married again, and you are in love with marriage. It is essentially no different. Because getting married is two partners who live, life, not in love, but it can include love. Love is just one of the episodes, a clear wind, a touch of spring water, a ray of fragrance, it has a better life, no one, poor poverty, poverty poverty Railway yarn.
    Ip life after marriage, get up early every day, prepare firewood, cook smoke, spray green vegetables, surround the table, have a few breakfast, squeeze the car to work, work hard, customer phone, enter and exit , Go home ash, children's milk powder, children's education, wife jewelry, mother sickness, mother -in -law gifts, lack of surgery skills, sunrise, sunset. It seems that this description of modern life is not suitable. There are probably some content. Is this related to love? Love is completely different, so why are contemporary psychology that contemporary people have such a fear of "flash marriage"?
    flash marriage, contemporary is probably defined, the time of love is short, or when the time of knowing is very short, it is called "flash marriage", which means that the speed is fast, flash! I knew it had nothing to do with marriage and love. What do I still care about love time? The reason is that we live with each other, how can we live well? Because you must consider whether your partners who follow the partner are harmonious, whether cooperation can be happy, and whether you can improve the happiness index after marriage. Then we have to understand the personality and essence of the partner. The original love was to reveal the personality and essence of the other party. Test jade has to burn for three days, and to discern people for seven years. This is the time limit for those who need big wisdoms to complete. Can you understand it as an ordinary person? Even if you know ordinary people, it is not easy. Is there a difference between talking about marriage for three or five years? This is not a hundred steps with fifty steps. How about it? Is the same reason?
    The most important thing we found two people together is to see each other's personality and essence, then it is easy to do. Two people get along with each other. Personality is the key. Bad can be together. As for whether everyone thinks there is a sense of humor, whether it can maintain a good atmosphere, no cold field, etc. This can be cultivated, not the essence, and don't be too tangled. The personality combines the personality. The two sitting together silently are happy, and they feel tasteful to eat one dish every day. I feel, willing to integrate into each other and admire each other, nothing is an obstacle. And this kind of feeling, mutual admiration is often in the stage of meeting. If you really love for a long time, you will leave your own feelings, which is not conducive to preservation of freshness in the future.
    The feelings of each other, you can see that the other person is pure in nature, of course, you can get together, and it is okay to get married. Due to the influence of the outside world, the changes in society, the vicissitudes of the world, people will always change, and the change of love can not be guaranteed for a long time. Don't be far -fetched to the "flash marriage". Flash marriage is risky because the essence of people is difficult to distinguish. Flash marriage is not realistic. The longer the time for love, the more tired each other will be, the doubts, the more suspicion of each other, and the more retained. On the contrary, the shorter the love time, as long as everyone is deeply loved, eager for beauty together, build together, weaves home, the emotions are becoming innocent and sweet. Even if they find a little bit of insufficient one day, they will abandon them. Essence
    The is the most perfect to be good at yourself. Everyone thinks so, plus the personality is in harmony, and what is unhappy! After marriage, you can also maintain the emotion and life of love. Therefore, the length of a happy life and the time of love has nothing to do, and the ability to distinguish people. Self -discipline, self -esteem, self -esteem, mutual cooperation and mutual respect for each other, with eye -catching, no unhappy things.
    This wedding is not terrible, and it will be very happy. Seeing those who flickered and regretted, they also saw those who had been in love for a long time to get married and divorced. They were the same root. The essence of people did not touch. This person was not reliable, and the gas was a bit small. Flash marriage and love for a long time are the same happiness, and there is no absolute difference in each other.

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