4 thoughts on “Setting the welcoming area can make the entire wedding more smoothly. How to arrange the Chinese wedding welcoming area?”

  1. The Chinese welcome area means that when the wedding is held, guests from both men and women can introduce the correct dining position. The welcome area is very large. One is the image, and the second is to sign in and the third is the gift money. As long as they are submitted with others, they need politeness, especially politeness at the wedding. Setting such a welcome area can make the entire wedding more smooth.
    Many people also have such a Chinese wedding welcoming area when they get married. It has a great role. Sometimes guests need to write their names in the wedding welcoming area. Put it, use the pen -signed pens, write and record the gifts of the man and woman at any time, and the same place will be the same as where they need it in the future.
    . If it is a wedding of the scene, then the welcome district is naturally set up, and there are many light decorations. Whether the adults and children are close to the content of the wedding, this small gift is placed on the sign -in table You can collect it at will. The background of the photo is well arranged. The color matching is related to the theme. The theme, the rest area, and the dessert drink are very rich. The entire welcome area not only plays an important role, but also allows those who attend the wedding to shine, allowing the wedding to be held smoothly.
    . If it is a rural wedding, usually a large shelf in the village also has a wedding theme and background color matching. It may make people feel a bit abrupt, and there is no way to guide the road logo. Taiwan, but there are flowers. Although there are no big cities in the countryside, there are fresh and refreshing flowers, which actually gives people a refreshing feeling. But simple is the essence of rural people. They are very enthusiastic and the atmosphere of the wedding is also festive. Maybe these are sometimes few in our city. The groom and bride smiles sincerely with each other.
    . In fact, the things placed in the Chinese wedding welcoming area are nothing more than welcome cards, sign -in, signature pen, small gifts, and can also provide guests with large items. convenient. Obliability of internal communication has a welcome area that helps the wedding to successfully reduce the mistakes of the wedding. After the details noticed, everything went smoothly.

  2. The things placed in the Chinese wedding welcoming area are nothing more than welcome cards, sign in, signature pen, and small gifts. In addition, they can also provide guests with large items, as well as guests from both men and women to communicate in time. Obliability of internal communication has a welcome area that helps the wedding to successfully reduce the mistakes of the wedding. After the details noticed, everything went smoothly. If it is a wedding wedding, then the welcome district is naturally set up and there are many light decorations. No matter whether the adults and children are close to the wedding content, this small gift can be collected at will. The background of the photo is well arranged. The color matching is related to the theme. The theme, the rest area, and the dessert drink are very rich. The entire welcome area not only plays an important role, but also allows those who attend the wedding to shine, allowing the wedding to be held smoothly.

  3. Setting the welcoming area can make the entire wedding more smoothly. How to arrange the Chinese wedding welcoming area? The welcome card is generally produced by a wedding company, and the Chinese wedding welcome poster can choose a big red wedding poster. If the newcomer has a Chinese wedding photo, it can be used on the poster.

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