How to learn how to be a man, I just in the third grade. But now I feel like I can't be a human,

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5 thoughts on “How to learn how to be a man, I just in the third grade. But now I feel like I can't be a human,”

  1. 1. First of all, we must respect the teacher and care for others. Inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, respect the elderly, love the young, and unite and help. As a child, we must understand the hardships of parents to support themselves, and we should understand that parents will pour all their efforts and hope on us, know how to love their parents, respect parents, and cherish their parents' hard -earned money; we must respect the teacher's labor, listen carefully, cherish cherishment Three years of high school, reward parents, teachers and society with their excellent results. However, a few of us do not think about the school in school, squander waste, and ask ourselves. As classmates, we must learn to get along with others, help each other, and make progress together. You must learn to care about others, take the initiative to help others, and be good at communicating with others. To be polite and honest with others, we must learn to respect others. When there are differences between students, they must be resolved in a rational way when contradictions, and should not be solved in a brutal and rude way. Learn to care about others, help others, and get along with your heart. This is the best to resolve contradictions and deal with interpersonal relationships. Way. 2. Secondly, learn to be a person. We must strive to be a comprehensive development of moral and intellectual and physical development, continuously improve their comprehensive quality and ability, strive to make greater contributions to society, and be a person who is beneficial to others and society. However, a few of our students are first of interest, we ca n’t eat hard, lacks perseverance to overcome our own shortcomings, and even only ask for claiming and not contributing; only to enjoy it comfortably, regardless of the hard work of the parents; what is the meaning of being a life? We should learn to pay attention to society, care for the people, study hard, and use our own intelligence to make blessings to society, benefit the people, and be a person who is beneficial to the meeting. 3. Once again, learn to be a person, you should abide by national laws, abide by school discipline, and abide by social morality. As the saying goes, it is difficult to become a round. We live in a large society. Only by the rules of society can we ensure the orderly operation of society. A qualified middle school student must not only meet the daily behavior norms of middle school students, abide by social morality, but also abide by national laws. Civilized and polite, this is the basic requirement of civilized society for citizens. 4. Finally, learn to be a person, to understand how to love life, pay attention to safety, have health, and learn to protect and protect others. Safety is the guarantee of happiness and the prerequisite for the healthy development of the school. As a middle school student, you must learn to use electricity, walk safety, and master knowledge and skills such as fire prevention and gas poisoning. Pay attention to the safe diet, do not eat or do not hygienic food, eat and bring your own tableware. Do not play water, do not play fire, do not fight, and push and push in dangerous places. Knowing peace is happiness and cherish life. As the saying goes, it is difficult to be a person. Being a person is a science. Learn to be a person who is not a person, but a topic that time is facing time in life. It is not difficult to do a good thing alone. What is difficult is to do good deeds for a lifetime. Starting from a young age, starting from now on, starting from one by one, one words and deeds, gradually cultivate yourself, and strive to be a noble person. , Be a moral person who is beneficial to the people. How to be a qualified middle school student may be surprised, how can you talk about "how to be a student"? Isn't it a student back to the schoolbag? Yes, but it is not so simple to be a true qualified student. Here I am an important talk about how to be a qualified student. First of all, a qualified student should be a correct student. The righteousness means that he must be a person with noble morality, aggressive, and mental health, a person who adheres to order and behavior, and a person who loves life and is ideal. Professor Zhu Yongxin proposed that love and sympathy are the most important external expression forms of the righteousness. There is a good way. Only with love can you feel the joy of life; only with love can create a harmonious interpersonal relationship; only with love can you enjoy the true meaning of life; only with love can you feel the greatness of human beings. The famous French writer Yu Guo said: "The widest in the world is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the human heart." A caring person will never feel lonely. I hope that each of our classmates can start with the parents who love you, the teachers and classmates who love you, and the grass around you to love everything in life. However, when we look back at the reality we are facing, we often find out that in our individual classmates, we should have no innocent and selfless love in the pure and beautiful heart of our classmates. Isn't it? When you spit the rude words to the teacher who rely on you to gain knowledge, and when you wave the brutal fisting feet to your classmates who get along and night, what is your love? When you maliciously destroy the relevant facilities that meet the needs of our study and life, and when you trample on the beautiful environment that damages us, what is your love? When you are in order to satisfy your moment of joy or your own advantages, it will affect the normal work and study environment of others, and when your chest is abandoned with your studies and youth, how can you be in your price? What about it? How can we expect him to cherish others in a person who doesn't even cherish himself? Secondly, a qualified student must be a hard -to -know student. In ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, countless scholars have left countless exquisite discussions on the important value of knowledge, learning, and reading: British philosopher Bacon said: "Reading is enough to make people feel pleasing, make people, make people grow long, make people grow long. Talent. "Liu Xiang, a thinker in the Han Dynasty in our country, said:" Books are still medicine, and you can do medical fools. "So, and so on. Our Limai School, most of the students know the decisive role of knowledge for their own growth and development: they listen to thinking in class in class, and they are tirelessly studying and reviewing in the classroom. While proud, he was ashamed and uneasy about those students with "knowledge numbness". "Knowledge numbness" is a professional name that I have made by myself who is unreasonable to learn to face knowledge. Facing the books, they have no eyes, facing the classrooms, they are dull, and they are helpless in the face of the exams. In the face of their results, their eyes are turbid. Maybe, they are too indulged in their rich families! But what I just want to say here is: Since ancient times, it has been more difficult to wear, and the sister -in -law Shaowan. Economically, you are a rich person, but from the perspective of spirit and knowledge, you are a beggar, a typical full beggar. If you can't recognize this and change the past, then you will definitely let you swallow the bitter fruits made by you and your parents in your future life, just like the book "Who Moves My Cheese" What you tell people: In the face of the Jinshan Yinshan left by your parents, you will feel worry -free. Why do you want this life? But one day, you will sit in the mountains and air, and then regret it at that time. Third, a qualified middle school student must be a person who is good at cooperating and knowing how to cherish. Professor Zhu Keman, an American female scientist, has made such a statistics: In the first 25 years of the Nobel Prize, the number of people who have won the award only studied the awards was only 41%, 65%in the second 25 years, and 79%in the third 25 years. Today, few people have fought alone and enjoyed their reputation. There is also a material: the US "Apollo Monthly Plan" costs $ 25 billion, and there are as many as 420,000 scientists and staff who are directly involved. With the development of the times, cooperation in future society will inevitably become the most basic form of human life. UNESCO also uses the four pillars of "learning to do people, learn to do things, learn to cooperate, and learn to know". For a student, learning to cooperate, you must accept the scientific guidance of the teacher and the help of the classmates. You must integrate yourself into the large collectives of the class and the school, and you must establish a harmonious relationship with others. Dr. Yang Zhenning and Dr. Li Yuanzhe, a famous physicist, pointed out when evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese education traditions: "Educators have a consensus for 100 years: if four or five people learn together, cooperate with problems, students with good grades can be To help students who are bad, he often makes himself stronger. Four or five people learn from the cooperation, which is better than the teacher for half a day, and can cultivate team consciousness from an early age. This is a problem that the school urgently needs to be studied. " • The EQ education theory proposed by Gurman believes that 20%of life achievements belong to all IQ and 80%of the emotional quotients. In addition, knowing how to cherish is also one of the important signs of qualified middle school students. Many students have read the beauty of "Reminder Happiness". Do you still need to remind happiness? After reading this article, it is not difficult to wake up. How often we are blessed in the blessing, that is, we have not cherished the happiness, and we do n’t know how to cherish happiness? Do we cherish in the face of beautiful youth? Do we cherish the superior life and study environment? Faced with the friendship of teachers and students for many years, do we cherish the love of classmates? Faced with the abundant conditions of our parents' hard work brings us? Here, I want to make an appeal to all my classmates with a weak voice: cherish our golden year! "Mo wait for leisure, the young man's head, empty sadness;" Please cherish our rich family conditions! Please cherish all the beautiful things we have! In this way, we will gradually become beautiful.同学们,伴着一轮冉冉升起的太阳,我们每个人都掀开了人生历程中新的一页,也许有人会说:是啊,想想过去,失误太多,错过太多,那么, Let the great poet Tagore's poems awaken our hope, "I used to miss the sun, but don't cry, otherwise I will miss the stars and the moon." Dear classmates: raised your smile and threw the shadow behind. We have to be a good student (a speech under the 11th week of the country). Students: In our lives, there are some problems we never think carefully. Because we have never thought carefully, we think we are familiar with Things are often our strange. Today, what I want to talk about is a topic that we are familiar and unfamiliar -how to be a good student. First, you must have good moral qualities. No matter how rich your family is, no matter how much you are at home, no matter how good you are learning, and even how beautiful you are, if you do n’t have a good moral quality, you ca n’t be called a good student or even become a good student or even become a good student or even become a good student or even become a good student or even becoming a good student. A good man. The standard of measuring talents in the current society is both moral and talent, and virtue will always be in front of talents. Therefore, we must develop good moral quality. If you want to achieve talents, do it well first. Second, a lofty ideal has been established from an early age. The ancients said: Zhi Dang has high and far away, and good men are in the Quartet. The ideal is the Changming lanterns on the road of our lives. She summons us at the distance. Our ancients have grand ambitions. Many people who have accomplished people have set up "to establish their hearts for heaven and earth, ask for life for the people, and for the ancient saint for the ancient saints. Following the grand ambitions of "Study", Premier Zhou Enlai has set up a great ambitions for "reading for the rise of China" from an early age. As contemporary middle school students, we should plant the ideal seeds under the heart, let it take root to germinate, bloom the ideal flowers, and make the ideal fruit. Third, develop good behavior habits. French scholar Shakere said that planting a kind of thought, harvesting a behavior, planting a behavior, harvesting a habit, planting a habit, and gaining a kind of fate. To develop a good habit of looking down and pick up trash, we will create a clean and beautiful campus; develop a good habit of unwillingness and ink, we will learn more knowledge; The growth trajectory of life; the good habit of doing the day of the day, we will make life fully and beautiful; develop a good habit of often reflecting on ourselves, and we will correct the wrong thoughts in time, purify the soul, and enhance our personality. Fourth, we must have the will to persevere. Su Dongpo, a great writer, said: Ancient and modern people must have a big deal. On the road to our advance, there are many rugged and bumps, and we need to experience too many ups and downs. If we do not have a perseverance, it will be difficult for us to reach the other side of the ideal. Now that the distance is selected, we can only take the wind and rain and move forward, and we will always throw the shadow behind us. Finally, there must be a healthy body. Health is the guarantee of learning and the prerequisite for a happy life. If there is no healthy body, all our beautiful ideals will become bubbles, so we must persist in exercising, develop good hygiene habits, and welcome the birth of the sun with sufficient energy every day, so that every day to live out of life, we live out every day to live out every day. It belongs to its own wonderful. Classmates, when we carry a schoolbag on the way to school, we have to think about it: What kind of good students should we do; when we carry a schoolbag on the way to school, we must think about it. : Have we done what a good student should do today.

  2. No matter how smart, more capable, and how good the background conditions are, if you don't know how to do people and do things, then his final ending must be a failure. Being a person and doing things are an art and a learning. The reason why many people do nothing in their lives is because he lives for a lifetime without understanding how to do things.

    . Everyone lives in a real society and is eager to succeed, and many people with aspirations have paid a lot for their dreams, but they get very little. Thinking: You can't say that they are not working hard and hard enough, but why do you have an endless ending? This is worth thinking about each of us.

    On from the surface, it seems simple to do things. Who wouldn't? In fact, otherwise, for example, if you are a teacher, your subjective wish is a good teacher, but in fact, it is not welcomed by students; if you do business, your subjective wish is to make a lot of money, but you will lose your book. Aside from these surface phenomena and discover the crux of the problem, you will find that doing things are indeed a difficult science.

    This can be said that doing things are a science that involves all aspects of real life. Starting from any one aspect, it is impossible to peek into the whole picture. To grasp this science and grasp its essence, we must refine and summarize the real life, and obtain some laws with universal significance, so that people can follow the rules and not to be unattainable.

    In understanding a word, and you will use your life!

    . Social interaction tactics

    -teach you to build your work

    (1) "Qian" words
    r The word "modest" in N is so arrogant. If it is arrogant and proud, it will only lose the foundation of the life, and it will be lonely, and it will be lonely, and the fame referred to by Qianfu will end.

    1, no one is in the eyes

    2, do not forget the shape

    3, you don’t have to boast of it

    4, ask for consultation

    (2) "Dan" word

    is a life, to make friends, and to the snobbish, don't seem to be too demanding. Looking at it, seeing it, life is suddenly cheerful and tasteful.

    is as "flat is true".

    1, the friendship of gentleman is as light as water

    2, look at life, be kind to life
    3 n
    4, reduce mind desire, satisfy the mind

    (3) "frugal" tactics

    Any successful cause lies in the accumulation of bitterness; people who do not know the word "frugality" will only lose success, excessive extravagance and losing quality.

    "frugality to support virtue", a good training for people.

    1. Starting from saving living expenses

    2, "Poor generosity" is not desirable

    3, beware of abnormal frugality: 吝

    4, do n’t stain the road, frugality to raise virtue

    (4) "Zi" Zi "word tactics

    to be a personality person and give yourself a little confidence! The road of success is based on yourself. The beautiful future comes from self -reliance and self -reliance, not to succumb to any authority, and find your self -esteem with your own efforts.

    This, a man, shoot on his own!

    1, self -reliance, with successful

    2, unique life

    3, challenge authority with yourself

    4, self -confidence -letting you southeast and northwest wind

    (five) "Rites" words

    Pere in the state of etiquette, be a polite person. People who are polite will be human, popular, and friends. People who are polite will do things, pay attention to the image, have educational, do not go to the tree, and everything is on the way.

    1. Treating people with gifts

    2, brilliant people are not blame

    3, pay attention to etiquette dress, give people a good impression

    (6) "Zheng" tactics

    . Being an upright person, a perfect person with a perfect personality, respectful. Be a selfish person, to be deceiving, and to be able to prevent energy, and to missed success.

  3. What are you afraid of. Can't be a person because there is a problem with your behavior.
    1. You do what others do n’t like to do, do what others do n’t want to do, hate what you do, do things that do n’t care about others
    2. Talking, talking random, no stubborn mouth!
    3. I am too sorry for the audience!
    The above problems are too difficult to solve, do not learn without psychological preparation!
    1. What do you do, do you want to help, do n’t do anything else hate anything. Of course, you must create your own bottom line when you need the favor of others! For example, they can humiliate you casually, you won't mind! But they must not do what you hate. Once they do it, there is no need to have anything to do with him!
    2. Learn to learn less. You can read less novels! You can still look at the various aspects of pig feet in novels! Don't think it is useless! Often there is the author's personal experience!
    3. If you do n’t save it, go to Korea, or let ’s have a beautiful heart!

  4. Being a person
    ● Accepting the criticism of others can do things in order to do things; to correct your mistakes and courage, you can work hard. Self -use is shallow, and self -humility is rich!
    ● It must be binding for self, to have affinity for others, tolerance for life, improving power for knowledge, patience in the predicament, and driving force for success!
    ● With sympathy, you can benefit others; with understanding, you can tolerate people; with tolerance, you can love people; with patience, you can be a man!
    ● This is the principle of employment; the reason is reasonable, this is the principle of life; honor and disgrace and co -communist, this is the principle of making friends; life and death without fear, this is the principle of being a man.
    ● A positive attitude towards life, healthy and upward life, open -minded and optimistic life, and thinking about yourself. Personality is good, life will be qualitative!
    ● Being a man must know how to report the four grace: the first report of all things to raise; the second newspaper's parents to support the grace of care;
    ● Most and disappointed, do not care; Be kind to yourself, extremely happy; treat others well, happiness; treat life well, health is extremely healthy.
    ● Internal is not inferior, polite and not vulgar, stubborn and not arrogant, strong or universal, persistent unspoken, easy -going with waves, humility and not excessiveness, tolerance, tolerance, cautiousness, not frivolous, stable, stable Not proud.
    ● Frequent of frustration and not funeral, proud of the shape; frustration is not discouraged, failure is not discouraged; bravery and not reckless, self -strong and not deceiving; criticism does not hurt, praise not to be inherited; self -confidence is not proud, not right!
    ● Flowers are colored, fragrant, and tasteful; people are talented, affectionate, and interesting. Health, belief, and material foundation are the three pillars of life. Being a person must have three: health, expertise, and normal heart!
    ● The birds have trees to live, and the trees are flying; the fish is alive, and the water dies; when the flowers are in spring, the spring is open, and the spring goes to thanks; Integrity is the foundation of being a person!
    ● There are four kinds of people in the world: scum, hands, talents, characters. We have to despise the scum, unwillingness, envy talents, and strive to be characters!
    ● Being a person is not a name, and the sarcasm disappear; do more practical things, and the honor is unexpected. Being freedom, autonomy, and self -reliance, do not self, self -big, and arrogant!
    ● Rongren and helpful are the goodness of interpersonal relationship; knowledge and grace are the virtues of personality pursuit; generous and integrity is the root of doing things.
    ● A step is to make people a step, there is room for their own; Being a person must not have only a pair of beautiful eyes, but also a wise vision!
    ● Failure to do things can come again, and it is difficult to recover from being a person. Do what you want to do as you want, you must be cautious. The wisdom of a person is his friend, and the fallacy of a person is his enemy.
    ● People lose their feet and may resume standing immediately; people lose their faith and it will always be difficult to recover. Reputation is more important than property. No matter how much property is, you can never wash your conscience!
    ● To be used by things, it is precious things; if people can be used, they are useful people. Do your best to do things, and you must do your best!
    ● Parents must be respectful, respect for the teacher, must respect themselves, treat themselves with self -discipline, and care for others. To do things down to earth, be honest and trustworthy!
    ● People soothe me, I returned him enthusiastically; people are kind to me, I also respect him; people give me tolerance, I return him sincerity; people give me self -esteem, I am happy!
    ● People are waiting for right and wrong, I treat people to be right or wrong; people have been resentful, and I take advantage of people as a choice; people use gains and losses as gains and evils, and I use good and evil as good and evil; Far away with the authenticity of feelings.
    ● The people's heart is unpredictable. My heart is clear, and the human heart has changed a lot. My heart is in a constant state. People gave me a horizontal eyebrow, I gave him a smile; people gave me a bad thing, I gave him a song; changed the heart with the heart, replaced with virtue, and reported evil with virtue!
    ● Do things need to do things. Smart, be kind. The heart is broad, and the grievances are the kind of true love jade; the heart is kind, and the person who is losing me to live up to others is calm;
    ● For the lack of kindness, there is a banquet, there is no need. Lack of kindness, lack of trust, lack of harmony, and lack of harmony. The land is not thick, and the mountains and rivers cannot be held;
    ● People are rude, but they are not rude, and they are not rude. Being a person must understand the etiquette, the respect of people, the people who know how to be contemporary, and the respect of the people is respectful!
    ● Sweet and comfortable words are warm in winter, and bad words hurt people in June cold. The words of the time are more dishonesty, and the words of anger are rude. The knowledgeable person is not blog, the blogger does not speak, the wonderful words are not much expensive!
    ● Move with affection, treat it with courtesy, stand up to virtue, and do the public. Be sincerity, discipline and strict, do things with constant things, and help others to love. Being a person must understand: the heart is easy to be in virtue, but it is difficult to serve!
    ● The waves of the sea blew up by the wind, and the waves of life were bulging by people. Being a person should be aggressive, challenge life, make the personality perfect, and make true feelings eternal!
    ● Pay attention to morality and character, theoretical and practical emphasis, static and dynamic emphasis, equal emphasis on intelligence and abilities, equal humanities and technology, loving and majesty, doing things with others!
    ● Good words can cause others' kindness; bad things will arouse the evil thoughts of others. Speak more words, add more points. For people, you must have good intentions, say good words, do good deeds, and make good fortunes.
    ● Forgive others' faults, improve your shortcomings, stay in sincere love, and pursue a better life. Forgive others to treat themselves kindly, condemning others is to treat themselves!
    ● The movement is for a moment, and the real movement is a lifetime; the use is a moment, and the real use is a lifetime. To do things in detail and deepen, you must look at the benefits and think about it!
    ● All good things start with me; everything is good, say from my mouth; all kinds of good deeds, develop from my heart; all friends, from me sincerity.
    ● Behavioral, take a movement and take care of themselves; speaking, one word and deeds must be self -respect;
    ● If the heart is loose, everything cannot be done; if the heart is negligent, you cannot concentrate on everything; if the heart is stubborn, everything must not be true. Everything must be in the heart, and the sense of responsibility is the most noble sentiment!
    ● Treating people should be peaceful and principled, to be clear and decisive, and to be straightforward and simple. If there is no prejudice in my heart, it is fair, and there is no self in my heart.

  5. 1. Be a moral person to be a moral person, which is very important in a person's life, because the defects of a person's academic academic can not affect his life, but the defects in morality and personality may be possible Bidly harming his life. Learning to be a person should start with basic moral requirements and consciously cultivate students' moral emotions and moral will. Cultivate students' moral concepts must notice the unity of knowledge, affection, intention, and deeds. We must not only talk about motivation instead of effect, nor can it be judged by the effect only based on the effect. To establish a great ideal and improve the consciousness of action, pay attention to the exercise of practical behavior, strengthen moral emotions and willpower in practice, consciously abide by the standards of behavior, obey discipline, and make students a new generation of ideal and moral generations. 2. The comprehensive development of a comprehensive development of a comprehensive development person, first contains many aspects of development, must make all aspects of virtue, wisdom, physical, beautiful, and labor. Ignore. Secondly, it reflects the depth and breadth of development. The students we cultivate should be developed reasonably in both body and mind. We must not be abolished and healthy. For people, it is indispensable. This is the lowest requirement of "learning to be human". What we cultivate is neither developed limbs and simple minds; we must not be smart but "weak"; let alone enter the society with fragile and pathological psychology. Suhomlinski pointed out that through education, the educated people have certain conditions in terms of intelligence, morality, body, labor, and aesthetics, or that they can achieve comprehensive development. With the development of the knowledge economy, talent resources will be the main energy of the future world. 3. Being a harmonious person is not just living for himself, but a member of the society. He is a member of the nature. He lives in groups and lives in nature from beginning to end. Therefore, a psychological person must learn to get along with others, get along with nature, and be a harmonious person. Only by learning to get along with people, work, study, and life can everything go smoothly and always. The most basic requirement to get along with people is: civilization, politeness; capable of tolerant. Learning to get along with people should have excellent qualities such as self -respect and respect for others, understanding and trust, sympathy and humanity. The harmonious interpersonal relationship makes people cheerful, enthusiastic, frank, and uncomfortable interpersonal relationships make people emotional. Those who are lonely, empty, anxious, and fear are lonely. Being a harmonious person should learn to care about others, and care about others is more important than caring for themselves. The loyalty to the motherland, love to society, care for others, filial piety to parents, confidence to themselves. Being a harmonious person does not mean giving up principles. In daily interpersonal communication, neither flowing with waves nor can we appreciate itself. It is necessary to enable your behavior to coordinate with friends, colleagues, and classmates. 4. Being a useful person who can meet the needs and development of society here contains three layers: first of all, useful, and then to meet the needs of society, and then it can adapt to social development. To be useful people, we must have culture, knowledge, and skills, at least a skill. In addition to having knowledge, skills, and mastering the skills needed to be the need for society, they must also have some quality that can meet the needs of society. The so -called adaptation is to make your own requirements in line with social reality, your behavior meets the common standards of society, and coordinate his thoughts, psychology, behavior, and social environment. Society is always advancing in changes, and people mature in the process of continuous adaptation. In the process of growing up, we must pay attention to the coordinated development of psychological and physiological, so as to maintain a sober mind when studying, examinations, dating, admission to groups, entry, career selection, and sudden and changes in the family. 2. How to learn to be a person 1. Improve your own quality and strengthen moral cultivation. The quality of a group determines their moral standards. Everyone in our group should always require ourselves with high standards, and always use the image of the golden people to restrain their words and deeds. 2. Learning to be a person is a kind of learning. The basic point of view of sociological theory is: ⑴ Observation and learning are the basic learning methods for behavior. Through observation and imitation, the complex behaviors of adult adults are continuously terrain after the operation of the cognitive process; The enhanced learning significance, using the interaction of direct reinforcement and replacement indirect strengthening and self -enhancement to improve the learning effect; 3) The awareness of "self -efficacy" emphasizes the establishment of a moral environment and psychological regulation mechanism that is conducive to learning. The possible results of your own behavior are actively expected to find better learning. Emphasizing the role of learning is to have the ability to have self -concepts, self -evaluation, and self -control, but also to form their own sound personality in the role models, environment, behavior, and human interaction. Study from advanced and exemplary, learn from everyone, and see the strengths of everyone, take the shortcomings of others. Learning to be a person is not just relying on the teacher's teachings. All time and all space of life are classrooms for learning. 3. "Learn to be a person" is a practice. It should not only stay in verbal, and it should be implemented in action. "Learn to be a person" should start with small things, start with bites, develop good behavior habits, and understand the truth of being a human. For example, good interpersonal relationships are based on good interpersonal communication. The creation of a good collective process is the process of formation and gradually optimization. After leaving good interpersonal communication, the establishment of good interpersonal relationships will become the water -free wood and water. "Learning to be a human" is the most basic quality of human beings. Everyone in us should be a good citizen who is a good citizen -abiding with the law of social morality and civilized behaviors, and a useful person for the construction of the motherland. Summary of people: 1. There must be goals and pursuits: 2. Main smiles often: 3. Learn to share joy with others: 4. Help people: 5, maintain a childlike heart: 6. Learn to be cheerful with all kinds of people Get along: 7. Maintain a sense of humor: 8. Learn to forgive others: 9. There are several friends of conscience: 10. Always cooperate with others and get fun from them: 12. Keep high self -confidence: 13, respect the weak, respect the elderly, respect the elderly : 16. Have courage and courage: 17. No matter what kind of road, don't be fascinated

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