hip hop jewelry cheap wholesale How much the amount of network virtual items transaction constitutes a criminal crime?

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1 thought on “hip hop jewelry cheap wholesale How much the amount of network virtual items transaction constitutes a criminal crime?”

  1. wildflower wholesale jewelry What crimes are constituted by virtual items need to provide more information. If it is fraud, it can be punished directly according to the crime of fraud.
    The standards for the following standards for online fraud cases:
    (1) File standards
    The general crime of fraud and the same crime of theft, crime of economic fraud, such as fund -raising fraud, loan fraud, bill fraud, etc. The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security's Regulations on Economic Criminal Cases ".
    (2) Related provisions
    "Criminal Law" Article 266 stipulates fraudulent public and private property. If the amount is large, it will be sentenced to imprisonment, detention or control of less than three years, and shall be punished or a single fine. ; The amount of huge amount or other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to imprisonment for three years and less than ten years, and a fine; if the amount is particularly huge or other particularly serious, it will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation property. If there are other regulations in this law, in accordance with regulations.

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