1 thought on “What is black gold”

  1. The meaning of black gold is as follows:
    black gold is a Chinese word, which means black metal, often refers to iron.
    Source: 1. "Said the text · Jin Ministry": "Iron, black gold also."
    2, Liang Jiangyan's "Copper Sword Praise" in the Southern Dynasty: . Black gold is iron, red gold is copper, and gold is gold. "
    3, Ming Li Shizhen's" Compendium of Materia Medica · Golden Stone One · Iron ":" Iron, intercepted. Black gold. "
    , black gold (gold) is a very expensive rare metal. Many luxury goods usually contain black gold, such as" the most expensive pens in the world "or" the most expensive game chessboard in the world "".
    The black gold is mainly distributed in South Africa. Global, only about 25 tons of black gold is opened every year _.
    This is rare, and the market price of black gold is usually more than 5,000 pounds for each dweller, which is much higher than the price of gold. Many luxury goods usually contain black gold, and the royal jewelry wearing the Queen of England is also plated with black gold.

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