5 thoughts on “Can I pass the security check in the subway and railway station with snacks?”

  1. Of course, snacks can pass the subway and security inspection, because they will have perspective security checks.
    The normal snacks can pass security checks, because there are perspective security check ports at subways and railway stations. You will be inspected by the perspective security port. When they find abnormal, you will ask you to open it. The package is checked. When the improper prohibited items are found, they will be confiscated according to the plot or inquire about the owner.
    The violation products are now many. It is not safe to bring them on the car, so do not have a good chance to be a good citizen who complies with the law and abide by the law.
    Is my answer can help you, I hope to adopt it, thank you. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence

  2. Snacks should be able to pass the security inspection of the subway and railway station, because snacks are not illegal, they can be carried into the station belt, but the number should not be too much. If you are not assured, you can consult before you enter the station.

  3. You can bring snacks through the subway and railway station, because he is not a disciplinary product, and she is not a half product of one person. She is eaten and a snack food. You can only fill your stomach and not hungry on the road. This is okay. You can pass it.

  4. There is no problem with food inspection of food railway stations. The security inspection is a prohibited product. As long as the food does not contain prohibited products, you can clear the level.

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