1 thought on “What does it mean to leave the daily line?”

  1. The daily departure means that the stock price is constantly rising and constantly innovating, but the MACD technical indicators are gradually declining or a dead fork. Usually, once the back is confirmed, the probability of the stock price will reverse. So the departure is a peak signal, and the market outlook is dropped.
    On the day of the day, the daily K -line and technical indicators were not only separated from the MACD indicator, and it may also be separated from other indicators, such as: KDJ indicator and RSI indicator, the meaning of departure is the same, but the indicators are different.
    RSI indicators and daily lines:
    RSI indicator reference indicators are the 6th RSI and 12th RSI indicators on the 6th. The higher the position of the RSI on the 6th on the back form, the stronger the drop signal of the form.
    kdj indicators and daily lines:
    When the K line and the stock price have been separated twice in a row, it means that the multi -party forces on the market have been extremely weak, and it is likely that the stock price has been unable to continue to increase the stock price. At this time, the stock price has already been There are signs of falling in the top. Investors can first sell the stock in their hands to keep a certain position and continue to wait and see.
    [Expanded information]
    Main features:
    The period of time to deviate from other times, such as the daily chart departs, and the weekly or monthly line diagram is not departed; r is not deviated;
    did not enter the high -level area of ​​the indicator, and we used to determine the top and bottom with the departure. The technical indicators were more effective at higher than 80 or lower than 20 deviations. It is better to pass passivation for a period of time. And between 20 and 80 is often the characteristics of strong adjustment rather than deviating, the market outlook is likely to continue to rise or fall;
    On a certain indicator, other indicators are not separated. Various technical indicators are often due to their departure. The design of the indicator is different, and the departure time is also different. When you deviate, KDJ is the most sensitive. RSI is the weakest. The indicator of the single indicator is not very significant. Low is more likely.
    If attention:
    . Various technical indicators are not the same. When analyzing technical indicators, relatively speaking, the transfer success rate of the market with RSI and KDJ is higher.
    . The indicator departure is generally reliable in the strong, that is, when the price is at high, it usually only needs to appear once away to confirm the reversal form. Disclosure can confirm the reversal form.
    . The departure back of the passivation is more accurate. If it is operated completely according to the departure characteristics, it will often bring large mistakes. This situation is particularly easy to appear when the price falls or soaring. Maybe after high or low passivation, the stock price still rises or falls. In fact, once the departure feature is high, the KDJ indicator combines the RSI indicator to determine the trend of the stock price. KDJ is judged at the bottom and the top process at the bottom and the top process. In the middle, it has a strong directional effect.

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