thailand jewelry wholesale nose rings What should I write about the maternal and baby shop to do activities?

thailand jewelry wholesale nose rings

1 thought on “thailand jewelry wholesale nose rings What should I write about the maternal and baby shop to do activities?”

  1. wholesale indian jewelry sets Opening activities: Open shopping to send parent -child sets. All the opening is inseparable from the gifts, but what kind of products are given are very particular. The general gifts are nothing more than some gifts, toys, socks, etc. Consumers have long been accustomed to it, numbness.

    C product promotion: After the store has a certain reputation, you must start doing product promotion. The product promotion purpose is very clear, just to sell the product. There are two types of promotional products. One is the new product, and the other is at the end of the quarter. The promotion must be done with the manufacturer together. Influence, if it is usually given a product to send double socks and the like, it is not done, but the promotion must also be matched in the form of activity, so as to produce better results.

    Old customer promotion: Old customer promotion is for old customers, the purpose is to strengthen the loyalty of customers.

    Methods 1. On the baby's birthday, they express them with a bouquet of flowers at

    Methods 2. Send them some text messages to them from time to time.

    Methods. III. We will notify them as soon as possible.

    Methods 4. Occasionally ask them how to make her store do better. Sometimes, it makes her feel better than what is respected.

    Methods V. Open a member baby picture area in the store.

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