5 thoughts on “What do you need to pay attention to when selling jewelry”

  1. First: If you buy it, you do n’t understand the market. The cost becomes higher.
    It the same wholesale market, the same cargo, but the price is different, so you must run more shops when you buy it, and ask the price before buying. Pay attention to some wholesale markets. Too regular wholesale markets are expensive, so things are more expensive. The price of the floor stall is very important.
    : The variety must be complete. There are many things that customers have to choose.
    should not be placed on the ground. Others want to squat down lazy, really. Get a table or something. Then make it bright, so that people can see you from a distance
    Third: suitable crowd.
    This stalls start to be shy and affordable. But it can be adapted in a few days. As much as possible to say as much as possible, when someone watched it beside, others would follow the past when they saw it. Also observe the consumption level of the surrounding people, you will do everything you can.

    The expansion information:
    The jewelry technique of placing stalls
    1. Putting down the face
    is not smooth on the way to entrepreneurship, it will make us never experience the work of work and never experience it. Wonderful and difficult. As an entrepreneur, you must bravely take your own pace. If you ca n’t let go of the face, you must be frivolous when you think of the stall. The guts are achieved by setting up the ground. Knowing how to put down the face will become an important factor in supporting your future success.
    2, choose the location
    to set up the stall, you must find a road with a large traffic. You can choose to choose at the crossroads, the gate of the big shopping mall or near the residential area. In addition, although we are a stall, we do n’t need to rent a fixed store, and we must set up a stall at the same location as much as possible, because you move the place, old customers can not find you.
    3, product positioning
    has a good position, it is not enough, we must find suitable products. We should not make it too complicated. Can't be like department stores, you just need to choose two or three things. These two things are better to sell, you will be half successful. Don't follow the trend to see what others sell. The market must be relatively saturated. If you do this, you will definitely not get enough customers.
    4, time selection
    A holiday is a good time to set up a stall. At this time, most office workers have time to stay on the road to see your products, so give up our holidays, after all, we need to make money. Normally, after dinner until late at night, it is a good time point for selling goods
    about 17:00 to 22:00, but the products that are suitable for each time period are different, such as 17:00 On the left and right, at this time, everyone is busy and want to rest. Selling and appreciating items can allow everyone to stop and produce the desire to buy. From 17:30 to 19:00, this is the dinner time of most people. Selling fast food will be sold. More suitable.
    . After 19:00, many people started walking after dinner. It would be popular to sell various daily necessities or entertainment and leisure supplies. It exceeded 21:00. The purchase needs of breeding items are not so strong. At this time, either eat supper or rush home, and there will be no few people to stop to see your small products. Therefore, if you buy jewelry, the most suitable time period is from 19:00 to 21:00.
    5, sales techniques
    The people, place, and time points are selected, and the mentality is also set. Here is to buy things for customers. This requires certain sales skills. Take the good -looking jewelry to show you, such as head flowers or cards. Buyers look good when they look good. You must have a sweet mouth, but the exaggeration should not be too exaggerated. Seeing a woman with a plump body to buy jewelry. If you boast of her small waist, people think you satirize her. The sales skills in this area mainly depend on everyone in actual operations.
    Reference information: Sogou Encyclopedia -Stalls

  2. I have bought jewelry before it is a card ~ rubber band ~ hairpin ~ Xiang Liang ~ a lot of messy piles ~ Although many people come to see ~ jump around, very few people sell it ~
    It's ~ Now I am still dealing with the batch of goods ~
    It I suggest that if you sell the goods if you sell the sweater chain, you can only take the sweater chain. Take it ~
    only selling one large category ~ Small business cannot sell so many only one large category ~ Let's
    not afraid of I am afraid of incomplete goods when pressing the goods ~ This is what businessmen must know ~
    Now I sell socks ~:
    The long socks, pantyhose, thick pantyhose ~ cotton pantyhose ~ Stockings ~
    five -finger socks ~ Foreign trade wearing cotton socks ~
    All kinds of sock sets ~
    my socks, I am pretty complete ~
    So a lot of mm They are all returning guests, or they are introduced to me for selling socks here ~
    In should not look at the asking price ~ You can take your price one step to the lowest ~

    It can be turned around elsewhere, I am the cheapest ~ there is no price elsewhere ~ or you can turn around ~ I just like that ~ Really, they turn back two times and come back. Buy ~
    This stall ~ In fact, there is nothing rare ~ Just find the right place to be careful of urban management ~ OK to enjoy ~

  3. I was put on a night market in the university at the school, and I was also an jewelry. Haha, first of all, the goods you come in are divided into grades and prices, and then you have to put them in a semi -fixed form to prevent some wrong persons from being taken away in vain. (There are many such people? ) Also, prepare the mirror, and you have to prepare a lamp at night. However, it ’s hard to set up such a stall. It’ s hard. I wish you success here!

  4. 1. Be careful not to enter too expensive things, or it is not easy to sell;
    2. When choosing a product, you can follow fashionable things or seasonal things, such as scarves, gloves, socks, etc.; R, etc.; R, etc.; n3. A variety of operations, don't just sell one thing
    4. Pay attention to urban management!

  5. The precautions are as follows:
    1. It is best to have a stall table. It will be much better than putting on the table.
    2. Remember to bring good change, plastic bags, mirrors, night lights, tables, tablecloths, accessories.
    3. Select the good time period. Holidays are a good opportunity. After dinner, it is a good time to sell.
    3. It is recommended to take the goods if you sell the sweater chain and only take the sweater chain. Selling only sells that large category, do not take any goods.
    4, sell only one large category. Small business cannot be carried out so much. No matter what style of that category of goods, don't be afraid to be afraid of incomplete goods.
    5, do not look at the asking price, you can minimize the price one step, declined to bargain.
    6. Be careful not to be caught and confiscated by urban management. Pay more attention to the movement around the eyes. Someone must be vigilant when packing things.

    The expansion information:
    This stall
    is a Chinese word, pinyin is bǎi
    , also known as the stall, which refers to the stall, which refers to in Sale of goods on the street or market. The stall is the beginning of doing business, and there are many knowledge.
    This to put down the face is the first important factor. There is nothing terrible. There must be a spirit of step by step. Even if you have to do a big business in the future, we think that you have the experience of the stalls. It will be the root of your strong psychological factors. If anyone looks down on the stall, he will definitely not be able to make a business in the future.
    Summary of skills at five points
    1: Seize business opportunities. Business opportunities will appear at any time. It depends on how to grasp it. For example, the last time Basa invested in. I saw both aspects asking people to invest. I immediately bought 80 investment books in the hot 3W. Selling, selling 60 photos, and sending 20 domestic people, earning 1.2 million traitors in half an hour.
    2: Market forecast. Accurate market forecasting is the prerequisite for making money, such as the naval battle that is about to open immediately. Then during naval battles, artillery, ship head, cooking undoubtedly requires a lot of consumption, and then according to the price of items in the market, the production efficiency can be roughly estimated by your own production efficiency. Yes, it is undoubtedly not to let go of such opportunities.
    3: Position selection. It's not a place where there are many people is a good place to set up the stalls. At the door of the bar, I don't think it is good, there are too many people, and there are too many stalls to make people ignore your existence. A little outwards, it is the best choice where the personnel flow is large and more empty.
    4: Advertising sales. "The best" and "good things" are all said in vain. The key is to explain the characteristics of your things to attract others to see your stalls. As for the continuous Shout firmly, it is easy to cause other people's dislikes, and I know that many people directly block the Shout.
    5: A small amount. If you have rare goods on the market at hand, you may wish to sell it one or two at a time, and it is easy to give people the idea that the item can be mass -produced, and generates the idea of ​​"getting the price soon, you can wait for it".
    Reference materials:
    Baidu Encyclopedia-Swing stalls

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