1 thought on “How to make eggplant, how to make eggplant fish”

  1. 1. Wash and peel the eggplant, cut it from the middle, divide into two, make the shape of the fish.

    . The texture of the vertical and horizontal collapse with a knife, and then use chopsticks to make fish eyes, soak the eggplant fish into the water and soak for ten minutes.

    3. Wash coriander, cut into small segments, put in the bowl in the bowl, sugar, chicken essence, salt and cooking wine, add water and stir half a bowl of juice for later use.

    4. The eggplant fish is removed from the water, and the water is screwed. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot and boil the temperature.

    5. Slowly fry it with low heat, remove it after frying, leave a little oil in the pot, and add garlic, green onion and pepper.

    6. After frying, add the fried eggplant fish and pour the half bowl of the modulated juice.

    7. Boil of high heat and collect juice. Put in water starch and thicken. Turn off the heat and sprinkle with coriander to enjoy.

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