5 thoughts on “Why didn't you blame the gangsters in Jinghu Lake in the Tianlong Babu game?”

  1. Summary: Only Saturday has bandits.
    "Tianlong Babu Mobile Games" is a role -playing mobile game developed by Beijing Changyou Times Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and Tencent's acting, which is officially available on July 5, 2017.
    The first year of the game tells the story of the invasion of the Liaoning Kingdom in the Song Dynasty. Players can play martial arts such as Emei, Beggar Gang, Tianshan, Xiaoyao, Tianlong and other factions. The invasion of the soldiers. The game has combat training elements such as artifacts and gems, and has also introduced PVP gameplay such as gangs, Zhenlong Chess Bureau, Huashan Lunjian.
    It background settings
    The first year of Yuyou, the young master Zongzong succeeded, and internal and external troubles in the Song Dynasty. Heroes are brave enough to kill the enemy. However, the Liaoning soldiers were turbulent, and the Song Dynasty was in danger. At present, who will terminate the Central Plains catastrophe.

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